Time passes by, the wind swings gently the lightbulb hanging on the ceiling. Tomorrow will be a long journey, my eyes wide awake. My monitor dims to safe the battery. I can't decide; stay awake for nothing, get some sleep or get back to my work.
crickets and gekko
a cowbell and whispering wind
where's Mehta?
Malam merayap, angin mengayun bola lampu yang tergantung di langit-langit. Perjalanan besok akan panjang, mataku tak mau memejam. Layar komputerku meredup untuk menghemat baterai. Fikiranku terpental-pental; sekadar begadang, mencoba tidur atau menyelesaikan pekerjaan sisa tadi siang.
jengkerik dan tokek
kelonongan sapi dan angin lalu
di mana Mehta?
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Night make up haiku
silent pond
night make up on her face
the orion
kolam diam
riasan malam di wajahnya
bintang belantik*
night make up on her face
the orion
kolam diam
riasan malam di wajahnya
bintang belantik*
Harry's haiku*
troubled life
show me how to safe myself
will you, Harry?
hidup sulit
ajari aku cara untuk lepas
maukah, Harry?
*A homage to Harry Houdini. Today is his 137th birthday.
show me how to safe myself
will you, Harry?
hidup sulit
ajari aku cara untuk lepas
maukah, Harry?
*A homage to Harry Houdini. Today is his 137th birthday.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Southerly wind haiku
harvest moon
what did you plant
in fukushima?
bulan kesorean
apa yang dulu kau tanam
di fukushima?
southerly wind
her back bends with
the bamboo grove
angin selatan
ia membungkuk searah
gerumbul bambu
full moon
goes down the cascade in bits
fishes wide awake
bulan penuh
kepingannya meniti pancuran
ikan-ikan tak tidur
harvest moon
what did you plant
in fukushima?
bulan kesorean
apa yang dulu kau tanam
di fukushima?
southerly wind
her back bends with
the bamboo grove
angin selatan
ia membungkuk searah
gerumbul bambu
full moon
goes down the cascade in bits
fishes wide awake
bulan penuh
kepingannya meniti pancuran
ikan-ikan tak tidur
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Vincent's haiku
lonely night stroll
a distant chant in the breeze
Starry starry night
jalam malam sendiri
angin lembut membisikkan
Starry starry night
undying star
in the garden of irises
a man named Vincent
bintang abadi
di taman iris
lelaki itu Vincent
*Homage to Don McLean and Vincent van Gogh
lonely night stroll
a distant chant in the breeze
Starry starry night
jalam malam sendiri
angin lembut membisikkan
Starry starry night
undying star
in the garden of irises
a man named Vincent
bintang abadi
di taman iris
lelaki itu Vincent
*Homage to Don McLean and Vincent van Gogh
Heavenly bodies haiku
starry sky
my neighbor's guitar play
reverbs low notes
langit berbintang
suara gitar tetangga
penuh nada rendah
moonlight saint
shining streetlights
and white haloes
santa sinar bulan
lampu-lampu jalan menyala
dan halo putih
leaning back
in my folding chair
moon in the puddle
duduk bersandar
di kursi lipatku
bulan di comberan
empty coffee cup
and stains on my table cloth
the trail of supermoon
cangkir kopi kosong
dan bercak di taplak meja
jejak super moon
mars and venus
where do i come from
my boy's inquiry
mars dan venus
dari mana asal muasalku
anakku bertanya
starry sky
my neighbor's guitar play
reverbs low notes
langit berbintang
suara gitar tetangga
penuh nada rendah
moonlight saint
shining streetlights
and white haloes
santa sinar bulan
lampu-lampu jalan menyala
dan halo putih
leaning back
in my folding chair
moon in the puddle
duduk bersandar
di kursi lipatku
bulan di comberan
empty coffee cup
and stains on my table cloth
the trail of supermoon
cangkir kopi kosong
dan bercak di taplak meja
jejak super moon
mars and venus
where do i come from
my boy's inquiry
mars dan venus
dari mana asal muasalku
anakku bertanya
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Tremor haiku
close attachment
from tv screen to my skin
the tremor crawling
kuat terikat
dari layar tv ke kulitku
getar merayap
from tv screen to my skin
the tremor crawling
kuat terikat
dari layar tv ke kulitku
getar merayap
Tidal wave haiku
tidal waves..
cherry blossoms fall
to the coldest night
gelombang tinggi...
bunga sakura rontok
ke dingin malam
cherry blossoms fall
to the coldest night
gelombang tinggi...
bunga sakura rontok
ke dingin malam
Cherry blossom,
Tidal wave
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Afternoon rhapsody haiku
afternoon rhapsody
perpetual cry of
rapsodi siang
garengpung di dahan turi
terus berdengung
perpetual cry of
rapsodi siang
garengpung di dahan turi
terus berdengung
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Tremor and poetry book tanka
I've learned about
the meaning of being alone
if only you're here
you'd know my new friends
a tremor and a poetry book
sudah kupelajari
arti hidup menyendiri
jika kau ada
kenalilah teman-teman baruku
tremor dan buku puisi
the meaning of being alone
if only you're here
you'd know my new friends
a tremor and a poetry book
sudah kupelajari
arti hidup menyendiri
jika kau ada
kenalilah teman-teman baruku
tremor dan buku puisi
Stitching your scarf tanka
you know
how quiet it would be
my hands
shiver as i start
stitching your scarf
kau pasti tahu
betapa sepi jadinya
kedua tanganku
gemetar saat kumulai
merenda scarfmu
how quiet it would be
my hands
shiver as i start
stitching your scarf
kau pasti tahu
betapa sepi jadinya
kedua tanganku
gemetar saat kumulai
merenda scarfmu
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Feeding the koi haiku
it hurts
to think about the break up
i'm feeding the koi
berfikir tentang perpisahan
aku memberi makan koi
to think about the break up
i'm feeding the koi
berfikir tentang perpisahan
aku memberi makan koi
Abandoned gardens tanka
oh sparrows...
singing in distant field
where rice grows
i write poetry about
abandoned gardens
burung-burung emprit
berkicau nun di ladang
di mana padi tumbuh
aku menulis puisi tentang
taman-taman yang telantar
singing in distant field
where rice grows
i write poetry about
abandoned gardens
burung-burung emprit
berkicau nun di ladang
di mana padi tumbuh
aku menulis puisi tentang
taman-taman yang telantar
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Streetlight haiku
shines thru pine branches
crickets hideout
lampu jalan
menorobos ranting pinus
liang jangkrik
shines thru pine branches
crickets hideout
lampu jalan
menorobos ranting pinus
liang jangkrik
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