Long enough away from home, I was busy as I returned home this July. My son was hospitalized and some side jobs awaited to be done. In my way home from Bethesda, I stopped by for a dinner at a small hut in Terban. And the old time rolled on me as a group of monkey comedy passed by. Monkey comedy wanders around the town to give children a show where the monkey is the only performer; biking, dancing, jumping thru ring of fire while his/her master do the drumming. Children laughed and praised the monkey and happily threw dimes into the master's hat put upside down.
But things change. These days, monkey comedy seems to be less interesting than computer games, cartoon, play station and other manufactured amusement. I am afraid, the group passed by will be the last one I saw in town.
And, this is the haiga that instantly struck my head. This is the haiga that instantly struck my head.
Yogyakarta, July 10, 2009
Many times, I need to add solid imagery onto the text. As long as there's a perfect picture/painting/visual illustration, I'd love to haiga. But that's not always the case. Some other times, I am satisfied with the text, let alone the picture available.
as the drumming fades,
the monkey walks along timid glances
down the road