Monday, September 24, 2012

Longing for rain, haibun

It's always the rain. After months of drought, it's always the rain I can't hardly wait to listen to the pitter-patter it makes on the roofing. It's always the rain to bring the stream back to the ditch under the platform where my workstation situated. It's always the rain that calls the minnows and catfish back to the pond in the backyard. It's always the rain that revives my memories of you.

swaying at window
the shadow of a leafless tree
of a long gone girl

Thru the rapids tanka

thru the rapids
the river runs endlessly
how tempting!
this adventurous life
in the darkest poetry

melintasi jeram
sungai ini mengalir tanpa henti
betapa menggoda!
hidup yang penuh tualang
dalam syair paling gelap

walking in
shallow water at night
the coldness crawls
the way you stop talking
the way you start yelling

berjalan di
sungai dangkal malam hari
dingin yang menjalar
saat kau berhenti bicara
saat kau mulai berteriak

Moon river tanka

now i'm down
by the river of light
o sickle moon
can you see petrified eyes
captured in the riverbed?

aku bersimpuh
di tepi sungai kemilau
o bulan sabit
kau lihatkah mata yang ketakutan
membayang di dasar sungai?

under the streetlight
i stand, sigh and stare
the moon up
she says again and again
how she loves being alone

di bawah lampu jalan
aku tegak, mendesah dan terpaku
pada bulan terang
selalu saja ia bercerita
tentang cintanya pada kesendirian

Monday, September 3, 2012

I call her rose haiku

i call her rose
the ricochet of
sun light

garden party
all talks about everything
but the goldfish