Monday, March 29, 2010

Funeral crow haiku

people mourn in black
so is the crow

pelayat berbusana hitam
pun si gagak

Wedomartani, March 29, 2010

Mira haiku

balancing my deeds
perching on the backrest
:two sparrows

timbangan amal
hinggap di sandaran kursi
:dua emprit

Once again, I responded to a note. This time, it's Mira Kusumas note!/note.php?note_id=372281483066

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Twisted palm tanka

from the battlefield
a relative has died
desert storm
twists the date-palm

kabar dari medan
satu lagi kerabat mati
angin gurun
memilin pelepah kurma
yang urung dipanen

Wedomartani, March 28, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Planting rose haiku

a rose planted
in biodegradeable seedling
her smile lasts too short

Wedomartani, March 23, 2010

Cucumber vine tanka

i stop reading
as he closes his eyes
bed time story--
a cucumber vine
grows up the trellis

Wedomartani, March 23, 2010

dongeng sebelum tidur
aku berhenti membaca
saat anakku terlelap
sebatang mentimun
merambat terali

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gliding crane tanka

blue sky--
a crane gliding thru
the wind
blows at my back
slows down and fades

langit biru--
seekor bangau membelah
menghembus punggungku
makin pelan dan berhenti

Wedomartani, March 22, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Not-so-political haiku, senryu and tanka

no frog sings
on the lotus leaves
:a pond at the military camp

tak ada kodok bernyanyi
di helai teratai
:kolam depan tangsi

at the gate
a sculpture
holds a gun

di gerbang tangsi
patung serdadu

military statue--
in a far away park
kids play

monumen tank--
di lapangan yang jauh
anak-anak bermain

soldiers march--
a tower clock
no longer ticks

serdadu berbaris
jam di menara
tak lagi berdetik

singing bird contest
the one of the generals wife
on the tallest pole

lomba burung berkicau
milik nyonya jenderal
di puncak tiang kerekan

garbage disposal
behind a military camp
for some bones
dogs fight
over and over

di tempat sampah
belakang tangsi
anjing liar
berebut tulang
tak juga pergi

Thursday, March 18, 2010

TV comedy senryu

my son
sleeps and chuckles
a comedy on tv

dalam tidur
anakku terkikik geli
dagelan di tv

Wedomartani, March 18, 2010

Splashing lake tanka

evening drizzle
a little lake on the patio
a squeak
on a door hinge

hujan sesorean
menggenangi beranda
tempiasnya menjadi derit
di engsel pintu

Wedomartani, March 18, 2010

Two kids on a swing tanka

first day of spring--
laughing and playing
two kids on a swing
new leaves

Rainstorm tanka

batters the roof
drip drip drip...
my son washes
his face

Pakembinangun, March 18, 2010

Losing pebbles tanka

you haunted me
like fear for a child
of losing pebbles
in a moment it turns
into happiness

Wedomartani, March 18, 2010

Flight of an albatross tanka

roll down on your cheek
and evaporate
an albatross spreads its wings
and flies west

Wedomartani, March 18,2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Plumeria and robin haiku

a plumeria
at the graveyard
a robin keeps singing

sebatang kamboja
seekor robin terus bernyanyi
di kuburan

The lake tanka

the rain
penetrates my soul
drop by drop
your love fills the lake
within me

menyusup ke jiwaku
tik tik tik
di sini cintamu memenuhi

Muddy kitchen haiku

smell of mud
take over the kitchen
far away rain

hujan di kejauhan
bau lumpur
memenuhi dapur

Gekko haiku

timid welcome
a gekko on the ceiling
stares at me

sambutan dingin
seekor tokek di langit-langit

Gardenia bush haiku

finally home
the gardenia bush
as tall as my son

rumpun ceplok piring
setinggi anakku

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Paddy field tanka

in the paddy field
scattered seeds
the smell of life
fades in the air

benih tertabur
di sawah
aroma kehidupan
menipis di udara

Wedomartani, March 14, 2010

Morning haze tanka

morning haze
over paddy field
slowly disappears
the hope we planted
in the mud

melayang di atas sawah
hilang perlahan
harapan yang kita tanam
di lumpur

Wedomartani, March 14, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another begonia bud haiku

the rain stops
another begonia bud
immersed in the sun

Wedomartani, March 11, 2010

Begonia petals haiku

ruthless rain
begonia petals

Pakembinangun and Wedomartani, March 2010

Baby owl haiku

baby owl
lost in the rain
lost in my hand

Pakembinangun and Wedomartani, 11 March 2010

Note: Rainstorm was so heavy last Tuesday night in Pakembinangun. A baby owl was found squating on our truck's hood, cold and shivers. My colleague Saleh Abdullah tried to sooth it with his warm hands.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

New song haiku

my daughter
rehearses a new song

Wedomartani, March 6, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Gray hair tanka

in the shadow of
bamboo trunks, mushroom
grows unnoticed
gray hair
on my head

di bayangan
rumpun bambu, jamur liar
diam-diam tumbuh
di kepalaku

Pakembinangun, March 5, 2010

Bamboo shoot and raindrop haiku

a bamboo shoot
climbs up the raindrop
how old am i?

rebung bambu
merambat hujan
seberapa tua aku?

Pakembinangun, March 5, 2010

Strangers pass by haiku

blooming hibiscus,
two strangers pass by

Pakembinangun, February 4, 2010

Bowl of stars haiku

he walks home with
a bowl of stars

Pakembinangun, March 1, 2010