Monday, June 28, 2010

Hamlet haiku

rehearsing Hamlet
he plays yo-yo

dia bermain yoyo
melakonkan Hamlet

Playing bubble haiku

playing bubbles--
my boy chasing
milky way

main gelembung
anak lelakiku
memburu satu galaksi

More spice haiku

she adds more
spice into the soup:
15 years marriage

ke dalam sup
dia menambahkan merica
pernikahan 15 tahun

Family snapshot haiku

family snapshot--
everybody smiles
but my brother

foto keluarga
semua tersenyum
adikku tidak

Lunar new year's eve haiku

lunar new year's eve
gone to the moon

tahun baru imlek
kunang-kunang pergi
menuju bulan

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bend the air tanka

the heat
bends the air
that's how the nature works
you say and turn
your back on me

selalu membelokkan angin
begitulah kerja hukum alam
kau berkata dan berbalik

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Alone in the moon tanka

identify the wind
one after another
does it feel this way
being there
alone in the moon?

menerawang angin
susul menyusul
sendirian di bulan
seperti inikah

Your emails tanka

reading your emails
my mind wanders
across milky way
for a place
where we didn't meet

membaca emailmu
fikiranku menjelajah
mencari ruang
kita tak pernah bertemu

Steal the moon haiku

clouds and dawn--
who's gonna be the first
to steal the moon?

awan dan fajar--
adu cepat
mencuri bulan

Sunday, June 20, 2010

on the rooftop
we inhale the moonlight
with the adenium

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jump over haiku

he jumps
over a mud puddle and
a childhood day

ia melompati
sebuah kubangan lumpur dan
satu masa kanak-kanak

Mahogany seed haiku

bitter life--
he strives to swallow
mahogany seed

hidup yang pahit
ia berusaha menelan
biji mahoni

Grey hair haiku

spring's end:
his hair turns grey
and starts to fall

akhir musim semi
rambutnya memutih
dan mulai rontok

Vanishing bamboo cluster tanka

my childhood days
i stopped
by a bamboo cluster
slowly vanishing

masa kanak-kanak
aku berhenti
dekat serumpun bambu
yang perlahan punah

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another wrinkle haiku

another wrinkle
on his skin

satu kerutan lagi
di kulitnya

Wrinkles remain haiku

cold breeze
rubs my skin and fades
the wrinkles remain

angin dingin
mengusap kulitku lalu hilang
kerut merut tertinggal

Slope and valley haiku

spring water--
i turn myself into
slope and valley

mata air
aku berubah menjadi
lereng dan lembah

Window frame haiku

seasons overlap--
my window frame
bends outward

musim tumpangtindih
bingkai jendelaku melengkung

Tears fall haiku

blue sky
your tears fall

langit biru
ar matamu berjatuhan

Unspokenwords haiku

words unspoken
i stare at the sky
your tears pour into

katakata mati
aku terpana pada langit
yang menampung airmatamu

Kite's eyes haiku

fly high--
i wish i had the eyes
of a kite

terbang tinggi--
andai saja aku punya mata